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From the course of my life - autobiograp...

Rudolf Steiner found the spiritual science of anthroposophy and the many practical disciplines that ...
129 kr

Martinus minnen

Martinus egen berättelse om sin barndom och uppväxt och om de händelser som ledde fram till hans ver...
289 kr

Mother Teresa : a saint in Kolkata

Early one morning in 1980, Oscar met Mother Teresa for the first time. It was a meeting that had suc...
199 kr

Mozart The Freemason : The Masonic Influ...

An exploration of Mozart’s strong ties to Freemasonry and how its principles profoundly shaped his m...
199 kr 99 kr

My Spiritual Journey

In this elegant self-portrait, the world’s most outspoken and influential spiritual leader recounts ...
199 kr

Sankta Teresa av Calcutta

Svartvit version av "Moder Teresa ett helgon i Calcutta" En tidig morgon i Calcutta år 1980, träf...
169 kr

Stift : gnistan till livet

Den 7 september 1996 lämnade Jörgen jordelivet hastigt. Hans älskade fru Irja fanns...
139 kr 49 kr