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I Ching

The oldest oracle in the world was created over 4,500 years ago by Fu Xi, the mythical First Emperor...
289 kr

I ching - the book of change

The I Ching (The Book of Change), the oldest of the Chinese classics, has throughout Chinese history...
139 kr

Lao tzus tao te ching

The eternal fascination of this classic work of religious literature—first published over 2,000 year...
219 kr

Living In The Tao: The Effortless Path O...

In the West we think we can control our individual destinies by swimming against the current, but Li...
239 kr

Tao Te Ching: A New English Version (Q) ...

A new version of the classic "Book of the Way" provides a manual on the art of living, offering eigh...
179 kr

Tao: The Watercourse Way

Drawing on ancient and modern sources, Watts treats the Chinese philosophy of Tao in much the same w...
159 kr

Wisdom of the tao - ancient stories that...

Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with universe. THE TAO OF ...
169 kr

Zhuan Falun

Zhuan Falun var en av de böcker som sålde bäst i Beijing, Kina, under 1996 och inte utan anledning. ...
349 kr

Tao And Dharma: Chinese Medicine & Ayurv...

A pioneering effort in examining side by side two longest and continuously practiced systems of medi...
189 kr