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37 Practices Of Bodhisattvas (Translated...

Conveys the quintessence of the Mahayana path to perfection.
159 kr

A Concise Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen

With over fifteen hundred entries and forty-six illustrations, "A Concise Dictionary of Buddhism and...
249 kr

Advice Not Given

Our ego, and its accompanying sense of self-doubt, is one affliction we all share. And while our ego...
179 kr

An Introduction to Buddhism

This concise and extremely accessible presentation of the path of Tibetan Buddhism by the world's be...
159 kr

Be Free Where You Are: A Talk Given At T...

Summarising his core teachings, this Dharma talk, given by Thich Nhat Hanh to the residents at a cor...
119 kr

Buddha for beginners

Originally published by Writers and Readers in 1998 and republished in 2008 by Hampton Roads, this i...
199 kr

Buddha: His Life & His Teaching (New Edi...

The classic illustrated yoga guide by one of the world's most widely recognized yoga masters has now...
139 kr

Cloud-hidden, Whereabouts Unknown

Over the course of nineteen essays, Alan Watts ruminates on the philosophy of nature, ecology, aesth...
149 kr

Discovering Kwan Yin, Buddhist Goddess o...

Sandy Boucher, celebrated author of "Opening the Lotus" and "Turning the Wheel, " now offers North A...
179 kr

Endless path - awakening within the budd...

The jataka tales--stories of the Buddha's past lives (in both human and animal form)--were first sai...
169 kr

Everything Arises, Everything Falls Away

Ajahn Chah (1919–1992) was admired for the way he demystified the Buddhist teachings, presenting the...
149 kr

Experience of samadhi

Dharma practice comprises a wide range of wise instructions and skillful means. As a result, meditat...
229 kr

For the Benefit of All Beings

The Dalai Lama explains how to follow the spiritual path of the bodhisattva by commenting on a belov...
149 kr

Gems Of Wisdom From The Seventh Dalai La...

The Seventh Dalai Lama (1708-1757) stands as one of the most beloved Buddhist masters in Tibet's lon...
139 kr

Good Citizens

In Good Citizens, Thich Nhat Hanh lays out the foundation for an international solidarity movement b...
149 kr

Heart of Buddha's Teaching

In The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching, Thich Nhat Hanh introduces us to the core teachings of Buddhi...
169 kr

Jung, Buddhism, And The Incarnation Of S...

Henry Corbin (1903-1978) was one of the most important French philosophers and orientalists of the 2...
269 kr


He went from being the worst kind of malevolent sorcerer to a devoted and ascetic Buddhist practitio...
189 kr